Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Affliction Warlocks - Naxxramas Construct Quarter!

Saving the best for last, and also the most without further delay...


The legend. The DPS tester. The nasty. Everything you've heard about him is true, but man is it fun to knock him down. Again, this is a guide for Affliction locks and not tanks or far as OUR role in this fight...its as simple as unleashing everything we have on him. In fact the only thing you need to do out of the ordinary is make sure you soul shatter often, and if there's a warrior tank, make em hit you with vigilance. Other than that..we don't even take DAMAGE in this fight. Life tap when its needed (and only when its needed), and keep max distance at all times.


Think of this fight as "Patchwerk 2.0". It's easy for us locks because chances are we aren't going to be asked to take care of the slime adds, and we're able to keep a good distance away and thus have to move less. It SUCKS for us because when we get slapped with Mutating Injection, we have to screw up our DPS rotation and lose some of our damage done.

DPS your heart out as always, stay behind-ish to the boss to avoid getting puked on (and thus spawning a slime add), and keep an eye on yourself for if/when you get mutated. When you do, just run against the wall BEHIND THE BOSS (he should be getting kited around the room), and then get back to your DPS spot asap. You may lay down a demonic circle here to save some running, but really its not needed.


The big dog. Literally. And man do we shine here! Its more than just a DPS slaughter for us, in fact we can single handedly turn the tables on how this fight is going. How so?

Well first off. Doomguard it up. His rain of fire will be a great "just in case" factor for the Decimate zombie blitz, and his DPS will fill in the spell rotation gap you'll have in that phase as well.

Secondly, also during decimate, your seed of corruption will make very quick work of those zombies. Don't even bother with rain of fire. these guys keep walking, so they'll quickly be out of its AoE.

Keeping those things in mind, the only other things to keep in mind are your position. That green square in the middle of the room works pretty well. Life tap OFTEN. You want MAX mana for decimate. Don't worry about your health, it's going to be gone anyway once that happens anyway. Lastly, make sure you pop a soul well for the raid before the fight starts (before the pipe, duh), to give the healers a little less strain.


There really is no easy way to explain this fight, its one of those "learn by doing" scenarios. However, once you get it down, its the most fun encounter in the entire Raid. Seriously!

Before you even start, you want to make sure everyone in the raid is clear as to what side of the platform is Positive, and which side is Negative.

For phase 1 (the Feugen & Stalagg), the first thing you will do once you're on the platform is pop a demonic circle at the BACK. Why? In case you miss the jump. Its like getting a 2nd try! You'll thank me later :) Other than that, all you really need to do is watch your DoTs. I know we can't pause them, but if you see that whatever side you're on is dieing way faster than the other, you may want to switch to a pure shadow bolt spam rotation. These guys HAVE to die within 5 seconds of each other.

Phase 2...*clears throat*...DO NOT MISS THE JUMP! :)

Ok that I got that out of my system, let me explain why. If you happen to miss the jump onto Thaddius's platform, you will have to run all the way around and jump again. HOWEVER, by the time you get there, the rest of the raid will already have a charge. If you just blindly jump, you'll most likely wipe the entire fight because you will not share the same charge as them. Confusing? Yes. So don't miss the jump!

So what do you do once on the platform? You will DPS. After you get your first charge, you will go to the appropriate side, and then get on vent and scream "EVERYONE BUNCH UP!". Seriously tho, you want to make sure everyone is within 5 yards from one another to ensure the charge buff stacks. Thaddius has a nasty enrage timer, and to be sure you get him down in time, you will want that buff stacked at all times. When the polarity switches, keep an eye on your DEBUFF bar (that's where it shows up), and IF you change (you may not change every time, or even at all if you're lucky), you will run as fast as you can to the other side, this is also a great time to life tap. Now, some say to swing to the right of him as you pass, personally, I've had no problems going right thru the center. Just do what your raid leader asks :)

And thats that! The next update will be the last 2 fights of Naxx, and then we can get back to our normally scheduled postings.

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